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GFH reappoints SICO as liquidity provider in DFM, BHB

GFH reappoints SICO as liquidity provider in DFM, BHB
SICO can collectively hold treasury shares not exceeding 3%
4.67% 0.16 0.01
-0.92% 1.08 -0.01

Mubasher: GFH Financial Group has received the approval of the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) to reappoint SICO as a liquidity provider (market maker) for GFH’s shares in the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and Bahrain Bourse (BHB). 

The approval will be valid until 28 May 2020, noting that any additional extensions shall be subject to prior consent from CBB, according to a press release on Sunday.

By means of CBB’s latest regulations, SICO can collectively hold treasury shares not exceeding 3% in both BHB and DFM from the total issued shares of GFH. 

GFH is listed on the BHB, DFM, and Boursa Kuwait